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IELTS Writing Task 2: using the band descriptors

Here's a quick example of what I'll be looking at on the writing course next month:

How does your introduction paragraph contribute to your score? How does it help you to meet the criteria shown on the band descriptors document?

There are two main things that I try to do when writing an introduction:

  1. address all parts of the task
  2. present a clear position (my view or my overall answer)

The two phrases above come from the 'task achievement' column of the band descriptors table. Notice how they match the advice that I've given many times in my lessons:

  • Your introduction only needs to contain two sentences
  • First introduce the topic (address the task)
  • Then give an overall answer to the question (address the task, present your position)

I'll talk about this in more detail on the course. Note: the 25% discount will end at midnight tonight, UK time.

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