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Agreement, Partial Agreement And Disagreement.


Agreement, partial agreement and disagreement

The way people agree or disagree in an argument or discussion varies in different languages.


It is worthwhile saying that silence is not understood as agreement. If you agree with an opinion or an idea, you are expected to say so.

Expressions used to agree

There is no doubt about it that...
I completely / absolutely agree with you.
I agree with you entirely.
I totally agree with you.
I simply must agree with that.
I am of the same opinion.
I am of the same opinion.
That’s exactly what I think.


Expressing disagreement is always respected as honest, and sometimes as courageous.

Expressions used to disagree

I don't agree with you.
I’m sorry, but I disagree.
I'm afraid, I can't agree with you.
The problem is that...
I (very much) doubt whether...
This is in complete contradiction to...
With all due respect,…
I am of a different opinion because ...
I cannot share this / that / the view.
I cannot agree with this idea.
What I object to is...
I have my own thoughts about that.

Partial agreement:

You can also agree but with reservation especially when there is a doubt or feeling of not being able to accept something completely

Expressions to partially disagree

It is only partly true that...
That’s true, but…
I can agree with that only with reservations.
That seems obvious, but...
That is not necessarily so.
It is not as simple as it seems.
I agree with you in principle, but…
I agree with you in part, but…
Well, you could be right.

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