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Nationalism vs. Patriotism: Differences between Patriotism vs. Nationalism


Nationalism vs. patriotism! When someone loves his country, is he a patriot or a nationalist? In fact, there is no definite answer to this question. Patriotism and nationalism are two words that have very similar meanings but also very different connotations, with one being positive and the other being negative. So, it is wrong to call a patriot a nationalist and vice versa: if you call someone a nationalist, they can take it as an insult. Read on to figure out the difference between these two words.

Nationalism vs. Patriotism

PATRIOTISM is the love someone feels for their country that is based on the idea that this country itself is good and that good people live there. Though NATIONALISM also is the love and affection for one’s country, it’s based on the idea that this particular country is better than all the rest.

In other words, patriotism is about loving your country for its positive qualities without lowering other countries in any other way. A patriot understands that other people can feel the same way about different countries, and he doesn’t think that his own country is the best in the world. He accepts all of the flaws of his motherland but loves it anyway, and he is open to other patriots who love their home countries.

On the other hand, a nationalist loves his country because he strongly believes that all the other countries are worse. He doesn’t accept that anyone can feel differently and he supports that his country because it’s the best in the world, should dominate all the rest. In this sense, you could say that nationalism is the opposite of globalism.

In history, patriotism brought people together to fight difficulties. For instance, patriotism was one of the reasons why so many people fought in World War II, protecting their homeland and their fellow citizens. The biggest example of nationalism, however, also comes from the same war: it was nationalism that led to the Nazi party rising in Germany. There was a belief that Germany was superior to other countries, and that the Aryan race is superior to other races. Thus began the Holocaust, where millions of people were tortured and killed only because they weren’t from the “best” country in the world and didn’t have the “best” qualities that they were supposed to have to survive.

Nationalism vs. Patriotism Examples

  • Nationalism was rapidly becoming a dangerous force.
  • The country was gripped by a frenzy of nationalism.
  • His speech presented racist ideas under the guise of nationalism.
  • Extreme nationalism is the single greatest danger to peace in the modern world.
  • They showed patriotism to their country.
  • When it comes to talking about patriotism, he’s an extremist.
  • His new book is a demonstration of his patriotism.
  • We will promote patriotism, collectivism and socialist ideology.

Patriotism vs. Nationalism: What’s the Difference? | Image

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Nationalism vs. Patriotism: Difference between Nationalism vs. Patriotism

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