What is another word for “went”? The list below provides 175+ useful words to use instead of “went” in English. Learn these synonyms for “went” to improve and enhance your vocabulary words in English.
Went Synonyms
Went Definition and Examples
Meaning of Went: The word went is the past tense of the word “go” in its verb form.
- I went to the store yesterday so that I would not have to make two trips today.
- Bob went with me to the movie and we both enjoyed the experience a lot.
- The cat went nervously across the road after almost being hit by a car on its first attempt.
Other Words for “Went”
Often-used synonyms for “Went”.
- Advanced
- Ambled
- Ascended
- Barreled
- Beat it
- Bolted
- Boogied
- Burst
- Climbed
- Crawled
- Crept
- Crowded
- Cruised
- Danced
- Darted
- Dashed
- Departed
- Dove
- Dragged
- Drifted
- Drove
- Eluded
- Entered
- Escaped
- Evaded
- Exited
- Faded
- Fell
- Fled
- Flew
- Flipped
- Flitted
- Floated
- Followed
- Gadded
- Hastened
- Moseyed
- Neared
- Negotiated
- Nosed
- Rocketed
- Rode
- Rose
- Slid
- Slunk
- Slipped
- Stomped
- Strayed
- Strode
- Strolled
- Toddled
- Tore
- Tottered
- Toured
- Trailed
- Trudged
- Tumbled
- Vaulted
- Veered
- Ventured
- Traveled
- Trekked
- Tripped
- Hiked
- Hopped
- Hurdled
- Hurried
- Jerked
- Jetted
- Plodded
- Pounced
- Proceeded
- Glided
- Walked
- Scaled
- Scooted
- Scrabbled
- Scudded
- Scurried
- Scuttled
- Shot
- Skated
- Skidded
- Jogged
- Journeyed
- Jumped
- Knifed
- Leapt
- Left
- Quitted
- Raced
- Rambled
- Spurted
- Wended
- Whisked
- Withdrew
- Wormed
- Slogged
- Zoomed
- Zipped
A big list of 175+ different words to use instead of “went”.
- Advanced
- Ambled
- Ascended
- Abandoned
- Access
- Accorded
- Accuse
- Actuated
- Agreed
- Appear
- Arrive
- Avoid
- Become
- Beget
- Begin
- Blow
- Bore
- Bounce
- Break
- Budged
- Bury
- Bust
- Check
- Chill
- Chimed
- Circuited
- Circumvent
- Come
- Commence
- Complete
- Concerned
- Contain
- Continue
- Correlated
- Corresponded
- Coursed
- Cruised
- Decamped
- Depart
- Departed
- Disappear
- Disappeared
- Dissolved
- Down
- Embarked
- Encase
- Enclose
- Endure
- Engender
- Engulf
- Entomb
- Envelop
- Envelope
- Escape
- Evade
- Evanesced
- Evaporated
- Exceed
- Existed
- Exit
- Exited
- Expire
- Faded
- Fared
- Father
- Fire
- Fitted
- Flap
- Fled
- Flew
- Flied
- Float
- Flowed
- Follow
- Goes to
- Going to
- Gone
- Happen
- Harmonized
- Have
- Hid
- Hidden
- Hire
- Hop
- Hopped
- Inhered
- Involve
- Jaunted
- Journey
- Jump
- Junketed
- Kill
- Knock
- Leap
- Leave
- Left
- Make
- Matched
- Meet
- Melted
- Move
- Moved
- Occur
- Orbit
- Output
- Overcome
- Overtake
- Overturn
- Pack
- Parted
- Passed
- Passed away
- Peregrinated
- Proceed
- Proceeded
- Processed
- Provide
- Pull
- Quit
- Rambled
- Ran
- Ranged
- Reach
- Referred
- Regarded
- Release
- Relocated
- Repaired
- Resided
- Return
- Roamed
- Roved
- Sailed
- Sank
- Seat
- Set
- Shell
- Shift
- Shifted
- Shirk
- Shoot
- Sidestep
- Sightsaw
- Skip
- Smooth
- Spawn
- Start
- Stirred
- Stroke
- Submit
- Suited
- Sunk
- Surpass
- Surrender
- Surround
- Swaddle
- Swung
- Take
- Touched
- Toured
- Transcend
- Transfer
- Transform
- Transited
- Travel
- Travelled
- Traverse
- Traversed
- Trekked
- Utilize
- Vanished
- Vested
- Visit
- Voyaged
- Walked
- Wandered
- Wended
- Went off
- Withdrawn
- Withdrew
- Wrap
“Went” Synonyms with Examples
- The plane ascended rapidly.
- She barreled down the street.
- She bolted out of the room in a rage.
- Taxis cruised the streets, looking for fares.
- A mouse darted out of the closet and ran across the room.
- The weak old woman dragged along slowly.
- They jogged steadily up the hill.
- He wended his way to the riverside.
- Water spurted out of the hole.
- Despite the rain, they slogged on for another six miles.
- The procession wended its way through the streets.
- The back wheels spun and the van spurted up the last few feet.
Another Word for “Went” | Image

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