What is another word for “kind”? Are you searching for words to use instead of “kind”? Here’re over 90+ “kind” synonyms you can use to increase your English vocabulary.
Kind Synonym
Kind Definition and Examples
Meaning of Kind: It is the benevolence of the person or the acts of a person that are positive and agreeable. The person typically places the needs of others over their own.
- “Being kind is always a better alternative even in the face of adversity or strife.”
- “Being kind to those around you can help foster better relationships and nicer environments.”
- “Would you be so kind as to lock the door when you leave?”
Other Words for “Kind”
Common synonyms for “kind”.
- Sympathetic
- Good/ large/ warm-hearted
- Generous
- Amiable
- Considerate
- Gentle
- Benign (formal)
- Gracious
- Benevolent
- Kindhearted
- Congenial
- Compassionate
- Caring
- Friendly
- Thoughtful
- Nice
- Good-natured
- Attentive
- Avuncular
Huge list of 90+ different words to use instead of “kind”.
- Affable
- Affectionate
- Agreeable
- Altruistic
- Amiable
- Amicable
- Attentive
- Beneficent
- Beneficial
- Benevolent
- Benign
- Benignant
- Bountiful
- Caring
- Charitable
- Chivalrous
- Clement
- Compassionate
- Congenial
- Considerate
- Cooperative
- Cordial
- Courteous
- Cute
- Decent
- Easygoing
- Fellow
- Fine
- Forbearing
- Forgiving
- Friendly
- Generous
- Genial
- Gentle
- Good
- Good-hearted
- Good-natured
- Gracious
- Helpful
- Hospitable
- Humane
- Humanitarian
- Indulgent
- Kind-hearted
- Lenient
- Liberal
- Like
- Like that
- Little
- Lovely
- Loving
- Magnanimous
- Meek
- Mellow
- Merciful
- Mild
- Munificent
- Natural
- Neighborly
- Next
- Nice
- Noble
- Obliging
- Patient
- Peaceful
- Philanthropic
- Pleasant
- Polite
- Pretty
- Previous
- Safe
- Same
- Selfless
- Similar
- Sociable
- Soft
- Softhearted
- Soft-hearted
- Solicitous
- Supportive
- Sweet
- Sympathetic
- Tender
- Tenderhearted
- Tender-hearted
- Thoughtful
- Tolerant
- Understanding
- Unselfish
- Warm
- Warmhearted
- Well-disposed
- Well-meaning
“Kind” Synonyms with Examples
- For example: I find her very sympathetic.
Good/ large/ warm – hearted
- For example: He was a warm-hearted friend and genial host.
- For example: It was generous of him to offer to pay for us both.
- For example: Her parents seemed very amiable.
- For example: She is always polite and considerate towards her employees.
- For example: She was the gentlest of nurses.
Benign (formal)
- For example: Maria is a benign old lady.
- For example:She was a very gracious lady.
- For example:He is always benevolent towards his countryman
- For example: She was a jolly, kindhearted woman.
- For example: Frank was a very congenial colleague.
- For example: My father was a deeply compassionate man.
- For example: He’s a very caring person.
- For example: Everyone was very friendly towards me.
- For example: She is thoughtful for her friends.
- For example: Our new neighbours are very nice.
- For example: David is so good-natured, he finds it difficult to hate anyone.
- For example: The hotel staff are friendly and attentive.
- For example: He began to talk in his most gentle and avuncular manner.
Another Word for “Kind” | Image

(“kind” Synonyms: 15+ Useful Synonyms for “kind”)
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