Explore Synonym
Explore Definition and Examples
Meaning of Explore:
Explore by definition simply means to investigate, examine carefully, search, and look into closely. It also means to travel to an unknown region in order to learn about its nature, features, or even its inhabitants. It could also mean to examine carefully the interior part for diagnostic purposes.
- I would love to travel and explore the world.
- We are yet to explore the city.
- Let us explore the possibilities for improvement.
Other Words for “Explore”
Commonly used synonyms for “Explore”.
- Inspect
- Investigate
- Range over
- Reconnoiter
- Scout
- Search
- Survey
- Take a look at
- Travel over
- Traverse
The large list of 95+ different words to use instead of “explore”.
- Address
- Analyse
- Analyze
- Assess
- Browse
- Burrow
- Canvass
- Case
- Check
- Check out
- Consider
- Contemplate
- Delve
- Delve into
- Detect
- Dig
- Dig into
- Discover
- Discuss
- Do research
- Enjoy
- Envisage
- Examine
- Examine by touch
- Examine systematically
- Experience
- Exploit
- Fetch
- Find
- Give
- Give something a going-over
- Give something a look-see
- Give something a once-over
- Give something the once-over
- Go into
- Have a look
- Have a look around
- Hunt
- Identify
- Inquire
- Inquire into
- Inspect
- Interrogating
- Investigate
- Investigate systematically
- Know
- Learn
- Leave no stone unturned
- Locate
- Look
- Look for
- Look into
- Look over
- Meet
- Operate
- Ponder
- Probe
- Prospect
- Pursue
- Question
- Range over
- Ransack
- Recce
- Reconnoiter
- Reconsider
- Reflect
- Research
- Researching
- Review
- Scan
- School
- Scout
- Scrutinize
- Search
- Seek
- Show
- Sift
- Sightsee
- Study
- Surgically examine in detail
- Survey
- Take a look around
- Take a look at
- Take advantage
- Test
- Think
- Tour
- Travel
- Travel around
- Travel over
- Traverse
- Try
- Turn inside out
- Uncover
- View
- Visit
- Work over
Explore Synonyms with Examples
Learn explore synonym examples in English.
- Inspect
The police will inspect the venue for safety.
- Investigate
His job is to investigate supernatural phenomena.
- Range over
My eyes range over the crowded room, seeking a familiar face.
- Reconnoiter
It’seems wise to reconnoiter before entering the town.
- Scout
A team of four was sent to scout for a nuclear test site.
- Search
A plane was detached to search for survivors.
- Survey
Let’s survey the events leading up to the crime.
- Take a look at
He sent three scouts ahead to take a look at the bridge.
- Travel over
It’s pretty well impossible to travel over these mountains in winter.
- Traverse
More examples with the word “explore”:
- Colonists came to America to explore a new world.
- I would creep in and with stealthy footsteps explore the second-floor.
- The president wants to explore every avenue towards peace in the region.
- In the afternoon you’ll be free to explore a little on your own.
- We had to explore this possibility very gingerly.
- Archer began to explore the possibilities of opening a club in the city.
- Inspired by the sunny weather, I decided to explore the woods.
- Students explore new ideas as they deepen their understanding of the subject.
- We can hire bikes for a day to explore the town.
Another Word for Explore | Infographic