What is another word for “cold”? In this lesson, you will learn “cold” synonyms in English through picture and example sentences. Learn these words to use instead of “cold” to increase your English vocabulary.
Cold Synonym
Cold Definition and Examples
Meaning of Cold: A description of the absolute temperature of an object with reduced energy and diminished heat. It can also be used to describe the demeanor of a person who has little to no emotion.
- “It was an unexpectedly cold night after the snowstorm had passed through.”
- “No matter what he told his wife, she would not negotiate and gave him a cold look.”
- It’s so cold the snow doesn’t get a chance to thaw.
Other Words for “Cold”
Popular synonyms for “cold”.
- Chill
- Freezing
- Nippy
- Shivery
- Perished (BrE)
- Frozen to the bone
- Arctic
- Icy
- Frigid
- Frosty
- Biting
- Parky (BrE)
- Raw
- Wintry
- Bitter
- Chilly
Huge list of 95+ different words to use instead of “cold”.
- Aloof
- Apathetic
- Arctic
- Biting
- Bitter
- Bleak
- Brutal
- Callous
- Chill
- Chilled
- Chilling
- Chilly
- Cold-blooded
- Colder
- Coldhearted
- Cold-hearted
- Cool
- Cooler
- Cooling
- Crisp
- Cruel
- Cutting
- Dead
- Detached
- Dispassionate
- Distant
- Dull
- Emotionless
- Forbidding
- Freezing
- Fresh
- Frigid
- Frosty
- Frozen
- Gelato
- Glacial
- Glazed
- Grim
- Hard
- Hardhearted
- Hard-hearted
- Hateful
- Heartless
- Hostile
- Ice cold
- Ice-cold
- Ice-cream
- Iced
- Icy
- Impassive
- Impersonal
- Impervious
- Inconsiderate
- Indifferent
- Inhospitable
- Inhuman
- Inhumane
- Inimical
- Insensate
- Insensible
- Insensitive
- Keen
- Lackadaisical
- Lukewarm
- Mean
- Nippy
- Numb
- Passionless
- Phlegmatic
- Pitiless
- Polar
- Raw
- Refrigerated
- Refrigerating
- Remote
- Reserved
- Severe
- Shivering
- Spiritless
- Stale
- Standoffish
- Stiff
- Stone-cold
- Stony
- Unapproachable
- Uncaring
- Unconcerned
- Uncordial
- Unemotional
- Unenthusiastic
- Unfeeling
- Unfriendly
- Uninterested
- Unkind
- Unmoved
- Unresponsive
- Unsympathetic
- Warm
- Wintry
“Cold” Synonyms with Examples
- For example: Their breath steamed in the chill air.
- For example: My hands are freezing!
- For example: It could get suddenly nippy in the evenings.
- For example: She felt sick and shivery.
Perished (BrE)
- For example: We were perished.
Frozen to the bone
- For example: I’m frozen to the bone out there.
- For example: TV pictures showed arctic conditions.
- For example: An icy wind bits our faces.
- For example: They travelled over frigid lands.
- For example: It’s frosty outside.
- For example: The biting January wind drove the snow before it.
Parky (BrE)
- For example: It’s a bit parky outside today.
- For example: It had been a wet raw winter.
- For example: Outside, it was a wintry day.
- For example: It’s really bitter out today.
- For example: We swam in the chilly water.
Another Word for “Cold” | Image

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