Far away Synonym! Are you searching for other ways to say far away? Following is a useful list of far away synonyms with examples. Learn these synonyms for far away to improve your English.
Far away Synonym
Far away Definition and Examples
Meaning of Far away: Something or someone that is of great distance from another thing or another person.
- “New York is far away from San Francisco, it is almost three thousand miles or a week’s travel by car.”
- “The shop isn’t very far away from here. If we hurry we should be able to be back by before dinner.”
- “It is easy to dismiss terrorist bombings in far away countries as being unimportant to us.”
List of Synonyms for Far away
Commonly used synonyms for “far away”.
- Distant
- Remote
- Isolated
- In the middle of nowhere
- Off the beaten track
- In the boondocks
- Secluded
List of 20+ different words to use instead of “far away”.
- Distant
- Extreme
- Faraway
- Far-flung
- Far-off
- Farther
- Farthest
- Further
- Furthest
- In the boondocks
- In the middle of nowhere
- Inaccessible
- Isolated
- Long-way-off
- Off the beaten track
- Outer
- Outermost
- Outlying
- Out-of-the-way
- Peripheral
- Remote
- Removed
- Secluded
FAR AWAY Synonyms with Examples
- Distant
For example: The airport was about 30 kilometres distant.
- Remote
For example: The farmhouse is remote from any other buildings.
- Isolated
For example: The town was isolated by the floods.
- In the middle of nowhere
For example: He lives in a tiny cottage in the middle of nowhere.
- Off the beaten track
For example: The farmhouse we stayed in was completely off the beaten track.
- In the boondocks
For example: He lives way out in the boondocks.
- Secluded
For example: We sailed into a beautiful, secluded bay.
More interesting examples with the word “far away”
- “They were obviously on their way into town for the day from somewhere far away.”
- “They seem so remote, although in reality civilisation is never very far away.”
- “While he was disoriented, I wrested the gun from his grasp and threw it far away.”
- “Children from far away cities came here for summer camps to breathe the sea air and eat fresh fish.”
Another Word for “Far Away”| Image

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