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Another vs. Other vs. Others


When to use ANOTHER

Another means:

  • one more, an additional, an extra
  • a different one; an alternative one

Another is a determiner (and a qualifier) that goes before a singular countable noun or a pronoun.

Another + Singular Countable noun

Another can be followed by a singular countable noun.

  • He has bought another motorbike.
  • Would you like another cup of coffee?
  • Don’t worry about the rain. We can go another day.
  • I think you should paint it another color.
  • We are having another baby.

Another + One

Another can be placed before “one” when the meaning is clear from the text before it.

  • I have already eaten two sandwiches though now I want another one. (= an additional sandwich)
  • A: You can borrow more of these books if you like. B: Ok, I’ll take another one. (= another book, one more book)

Another as a pronoun

Sometimes another is used as a pronoun.

  • That piece of cake was tasty. I think I’ll have another. (another = one more piece of cake)
  • I don’t like this room. Let’s ask for another. (another = another room)

Note: you can also say: “I think I’ll have another one.” and “Let’s ask for another one.”

Another + number + plural noun

Another can be used before a plural noun when there is a number before that noun or before phrases such as a couple ofa few etc.

  • In another 20 years my laptop is going to be obsolete.
  • I like this city so much that I’m going to spend another three days here.
  • We need another three teachers before classes begin.
  • He was given another couple of months to finish the sculpture.

Remember another is ONE word not two words (an other is incorrect)

When to use OTHER

Other is a determiner that goes before plural countable nouns, uncountable nouns or a pronoun.

Other + Plural Countable Noun

Other can be followed by a plural countable noun.

  • We have other styles if you are interested.
  • Have you got any other dresses, or are these the only ones?
  • Some days are sunny though other days can be very rainy.
  • I have invited some other people.
  • I can’t help you because I’m busy with other things.

Other + Ones

Other can be placed before the pronoun “ones” when the meaning is clear from the text before it.

  • We don’t need those books, we need other ones. (= different books)
  • A: You can borrow my books if you like. B: Thanks, but I need other ones. (= other books)

Note: you can say other one when it refers to wanting the alternative.

  • I don't want this one, I want the other one.

Others as a pronoun

Others replaces “other ones” or "other + plural noun".
Only others can be used as a pronoun and not other.

  • I don’t like these postcards. Let’s ask for others. (others = other postcards)
  • Some of the presidents arrived on Monday. Others arrived the following day.

Others - the others

Often “(the) others” refers to “(the) other people”.

  • He has no interest in helping others. (= in helping other people)
  • What are the others doing tonight?

What is the difference between other and others?

Other is followed by a noun or a pronoun
Others is a pronoun and is NOT followed by a noun.

  • These shoes are too small. Do you have any other shoes?
  • These shoes are too small. Do you have any others? (no noun after others)

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